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Tactic Let´s learn Trivia game board game

Let´s Learn Trivia is a compact game which gives children the opportunity to use their imagination, creativity and knowledge from their own world. By solving questions and tasks with both written and open answers, children will learn new things and have fun in the process!


Alin hinta viimeisen 30 päivän ajalta: 12,99 

Play Club -jäsenenä ansaitset tästäkin tuotteesta 13 Pistettä! Rekisteröidy Play Clubiin tai kirjaudu jäsensivuille kerätäksesi pisteitä.

The world is full of fascinating and fun things that children love to examine from every angle possible. With this adorable game, they can also learn to explain their observations. The questions on the cards encourage the players to describe and ponder new and more familiar things in the safe guidance of a grown-up.

Ikä 4+
Pelaajia 2-4
Kesto 20+
Vaikeusaste 4
Taito 3
Tuotetunnus (SKU): 58159 EAN: Ei saatavilla/-tietoa Games in English

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