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Gamestorm Crime Scene Brooklyn 2002 board game

The phone rings – it’s another homicide in Brooklyn, NY City. Step into the shoes of a seasoned detective, who examines the crime scene, looks for any trace of evidence or clues, and work the case step by step. The puzzles can leave you scratching their head, but the answers are right in front of your nose. Crime Scene is a concept that combines a detailed crime scene image, fascinating puzzles and a crime story written by author Arttu Tuominen.


Alin hinta viimeisen 30 päivän ajalta: 22,49 

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The phone rings – it’s another homicide in Brooklyn, NY City. Step into the shoes of a seasoned detective, who examines the crime scene, looks for any trace of evidence or clues, and work the case step by step. The puzzles can leave you scratching their head, but the answers are right in front of your nose. A crime has been committed and it is up to you to get to the bottom of the mystery. Crime Scene sets the players up at the scene of a horrendous crime. The players follow the story and act as the detectives to collect evidence, make connections and figure out who is behind it all!

Ikä 18+
Pelaajia 1+
Kesto 120+
Vaikeusaste 6
Taito 1
Tuotetunnus (SKU): 58421 EAN: Ei saatavilla/-tietoa Games in English

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