Wanna Bet? , US version

Wanna see if your friends can do it?
In this hilarious family game, you try to perform different tasks and the others bet whether you’ll succeed or not. If they guess correctly, they double their stake. If you
succeed, you also win!

Wanna Bet? is an excellent addition to all game nights. Its interactive nature and entertaining content make it an instant hit with both adults and children!

This hilarious game challenges your family and friendsto jump, throw, balance and use their brain cells with a whole host of fun and challenging physical and mental tasks! But there’s a twist: The other players can bet on
whether they think you will be successful at your task or not! With easier tasks for children, this game is perfect for the whole family!

Contents: Game board, 300 Cards (144 Active cards, 144 Passive cards, 12 Bet cards), 200 Game notes, 3 Sandtimers, 6 Pawns, 1 Die, Notepad and Rules.

Age 8+
Players 3-6
Duration 45+
SKU: 41065 EAN: N/A Adult Games - Party GamesFamily Games - Party Games