Tactic Games’ acquisition of Bex Sport

Two Nordic game companies with a long history have joined forces through Tactic Games’ acquisition of Bex Sport.

An outdoor and sport games company from Höganäs, Sweden, Bex Sport was founded in 1985, and it specialises in great quality outdoor games. Tactic Games, founded in 1967, is a board game and outdoor game company with its own factory in Finland.

Tactic’s main goal is to offer families and friends shared moments that turn into cherished memories. Tactic makes quality products with a big heart, and at the core of the company’s production process there is responsibility, and ethical and environmental thinking. With a broad range of game products, Tactic has a solid presence in the UK, Netherlands, France and across Europe. Tactic’s number one outdoor game is Original Mölkky, which sells at a rate of over 200 000 items annually across the world.

Bex Sport is solid company and a Swedish market leader in outdoor games. The company’s products, such as their own Original Kubb game, complement Tactic’s outdoor game portfolio. Two such strong outdoor game brands make for a great combination, says Fredric Johansson, Tactic Games’ country manager for Sweden and Denmark.

The Bex Sport team will remain as it is, and business will be conducted from Höganäs. Tactic Games is a 50-year-old Scandinavian family business with strong roots, stability and large-scale benefits. This acquisition ensures continued co-operation with on-board partners and Bex Sport AB, adds Pierre Bladh, Bex Sports’ purchase manager.

Last year, Tactic Games strengthened its position in Norway through the acquisition of Chrom As, one of the country’s largest and strongest wholesalers of games and toys. Together with Bex Sport and Chrom, Tactic Games forms a formidable Nordic operator with a network that reaches across Europe and beyond.

Facts: Tactic Games Oy is a Finnish family company founded in 1967. Tactic Games manufactures, sells and markets indoor and outdoor games, books and toys. Most of the production takes place in Pori, Finland, and the company has subsidiaries and sales offices located in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, France, Poland, the Netherlands and United Kingdom. Tactic Games’ products are sold in approx. 70 countries around the world.

Bex Sport AB is the company behind many well-known brands. For over 33 years, Bex Sport has designed, developed and marketed both outdoor and indoor games for all ages. Bex Sport’s products are sold worldwide.


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